Project Update: Advancing Space-Ready GaN Transistors with SAGAN

SAGaN is making significant progress in developing radiation-resistant GaN transistors for space applications. The team has successfully designed and manufactured the first batch of transistors, which are now undergoing rigorous testing. Key milestones have been achieved, and the project is on track to reach its goals, promising a robust solution for future space missions.


GaN Transistors for Space Applications: Design, Manufacturing, Testing, and Reliability

Gallium Nitride (GaN) transistors are revolutionizing electronics, especially for space applications where reliability and performance are paramount. The SAGaN Consortium, including IMEC, DISCO, Semi Zabala, and Sener Aerospace, is developing GaN transistors to withstand harsh space conditions. This blog post explores their design, manufacturing, testing, and reliability.


Benefits of SAGaN for Europe’s Space Market

SAGaN aims to establish a robust supply chain for power GaN transistors in space applications. These transistors enhance the efficiency and reliability of power systems in satellites and deep space probes. By fostering innovation, SAGaN boosts Europe’s competitive edge in the global space industry and reduces reliance on non-European technologies. This project is set to play a crucial role in future space missions, driving technological advancements and supporting scientific research.

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